Felafel along with fried eggplant and lots of pickled relishes and hot sauce packed inside crisp mini taco shells drizzled with generous amount of flavorful tahina sauce. You have to check out how to make these mini taco shells in the oven, it is super cool!!
We have reached the last beautiful 10 days of Ramadan and most of us are almost out of iftar ideas. This year we have been eating less of fried appetizers for Iftar and we incorporated a lot of sandwiches in our menu, especially with tortilla wraps.
I have a special love for felafel. I’ve been thinking of posting my favorite felafel spring roll recipe, but instead I thought I’ll post this new trial I did. I made these cute mini taco shells using a cool hack with cupcake tray and it turned out well. The felafel filling is also so full of flavor as I added lots of pickled veggies and hot sauce into it. This filling along with a comforting Yoghurt Tahini sauce is a super match. So altogether this mini tacos were a hit here. I’m not lying, but what we liked more was a classic felafel wrap that I made with the same filling and lots of sauce inside tortilla which I toasted in a little butter in the end.

Mini Felafel tacos with flavorful Tahini sauce
- 1 eggplant Cut into small cubes and fried in olive oil
- 6-7 felafel
- pickled turnips
- pickled jalapeños
- 1 Small onion chopped
- parsley
- hot sauce
- tomatoes optional
For tahina sauce:
- 2 Tbsp yoghurt
- 2 Tbsp mayonnaise
- 2 Tbsp tahina
- 1 Clove garlic
- 2 pickled jalapenos
- black pepper
- salt
- 1 Tbsp lemon juice
For assembling:
- tortilla wraps
- butter
To make tahina sauce:
- Add all ingredients in a blender jar and blend until smooth.
- Refrigerate for an hour.
To assemble:
- In a bowl add chopped falafel, jalapenos, onions, turnips, fried eggplant, tomaotes, parsley and hot sauce. Mix well and keep aside.
- Cut tortillas into small rounds with a cookie cutter. Brush with butter on both sides and place it on the oven rack by draping it on it.
- Or flip a cupcake pan and place the tortillas on the groove of each cup as shown in the video.
- Bake at 180C for 5-7 minutes.
- Let it cool.
- Fill the tacos with falafel mixture and pour tahina sauce generously.
- serve with extra sauce on the side,